
提供: ComplexRI: Manual
2022年2月14日 (月) 07:55時点におけるKamimura (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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Fitting the complex refractive index by automatic mode

In this tutorial, we will use the C=O stretching region of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) as an example to show the automatic fitting procedure in ComplexRI.
The ATR-IR experimental data file in this tutorial can be downloaded from Here. and Ctrl + s(Command + s) on the new page.
Then, please move to the Main Package page.


Upload the“data_DMC_2col.txt” in ① and set the other parameters according to the following figure. (For the meanings of each part, please refer to ➡Manual.)
Now, please click the “Execute Fitting” to start fitting.
Results of Tutorial01

The Result should be like follows.

2Newres tuto01.png

The meaning of each output can be found in ➡Manual
