Apr.2023-Mar.2024 | |
Feb.29- | Dr. Hirano stay at Damian Laage lab in ENS, Paris, for three months. |
Feb.29 | Graduation party was held to congratulate Adachi, Kawai, Suzuki, Nishida and Matsushita. |
Nov.15-17 | Prof. Chuanshan Tian at Fudan University visited our lab. |
Nov.12-13 | Morita, Hirano and Kumagai attended the 9th SFG workshop at Tokyo Tech. Kumagai received a poster award. Congratulations! |
Oct.15 | Dr. Deepak Ohja went back to India after one year period as a JSPS researcher. |
Oct.2 | New bachelor students, Aiba, Kanegasaki and Hisamura, joined out gorup. |
Sep.12-15 | All faculty and graduate students of the lab gave their presentations at Annual Meeting of Molecular Society of Japan at Osaka. |
Sep.8-10 | Prof. Yan and Dr. Hirano gave a presentation at Annual Joint Meeting of Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies. |
Sep.6-7 | Prof. Yan and Morita gave their lectures at GP-Chem Kickoff Symposium. |
Aug.29-Sep.11 | Prof. Elsa Yan at Yale University visited us and stayed at our lab. |
Jun.20-23 | Prof. Morita and Hirano attended CJK-WTCC VI at Sunggkyunkwan University, Korea. |
May16-19 | Dr. Hirano and Adachi (M2) gave their presentations at Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Theoretical Chemistry. |
Apr.30 | Dr. Lin Wang was promoted to Tongji University, China. Congratulations! |
Apr.2022-Mar.2023 | |
Mar.9 | Suzuki (B3) received the award of Aoba Science Foundation. |
Mar.1 | Kumagai, Naka and Mori (B4) presented their bachelor theses. |
Feb.17 | Maruoka (M2) gave a presentation at Joint Symposium of Sience and Bioscience. |
Jan.31 | Imaizumi and Maruoka (M2) got their master theses. |
Jan.11 | Correction list in Chap. 7 of Morita's SFG textbook "Theory of Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy" (Springer) is published. |
Dec.23 | Imaizumi and Maruoka (M2) passed the preliminary defense of their master theses. |
Nov.15 | Welcome party for the new members was held. |
Oct.26-29 | Prof. Hyung Kim at Carnegie Mellon University visited us and had seminar and discussion. |
Oct.17 | Dr. Deepak Ojha (PD) joined our group. |
Oct.5 | Kawai, Suzuki and Nishida (B3) joined our group. |
Sep.26-30 | Prof. Morita gave a series of lectures at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar for the students in India. |
Sep.19-22 | Takahashi, Wang, Hirano, Imaizumi, Maruoka and Ito made their presentation at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science. |
Aug.31 | Ms. Tonosaki resigned the secretary. Thank you for long time. |
Aug.1 | Dr. Hirano promoted to assistant professor. Congratulations! |
May 30-31 | Prof. Susumu Okazaki at Univ. Tokyo visited us and gave a lecture. |
May 17-20 | Hirano, Imaizumi, Morita made their presentations at Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Theoretical Chemistry. |
Apr.13 | Our paper in J. Am. Chem. Soc. and a Supplementary Cover Art are published in Issue 14. |
Apr.2021-Mar.2022 | |
Feb.18 | Mr. Imaizumi (M1) got a poster award at Science and Life Science Joint Symposium 2022. |
Feb.16 | A web tool "ComplexRI" for ATR-IR analysis to derive complex refractive index spectra is open (see J. Phys. Chem. B). |
Feb.1-3 | Ms. Ichikawa, Mrs. Hosoya and Yazawa (M2) passed the final defense of their Master Theses. Congratulations! |
Jan.27 | Ms. Koizumi (D3) passed the final defense of her Ph. D. Thesis. Congratulations! |
Dec.3 | Prof. Morita appeared on "Mirai Book" for high school students. (sorry for Japanese) |
Oct.2 | Mr. Hirano presented his invited talk at Joint Meeting of Tohoku Chemistry Societies. |
Oct.1 | Mr. Kumagai, Naka, Matsushita and Mori (B3) joined our group. |
Oct.1 | Prof. Morita became the chair of Japan Society of Theoretical Chemistry. |
Sep.18 | Dr. Wang received the Young Researcher Award from Japan Society for Molecular Science. Congratulations! |
Sep.18-21 | Almost all members presented their works at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science. |
Apr.13 | Mr. Kamimura (B4) joined our group. |
Apr.2020-Mar.2021 | |
Mar.2 | Mr. Imaizumi, Ms. Ogawa, Mr. Nakamura, Hirata, Muraoka and Murata (B4) passed their bachelor defense. Murata got Hirama Award for distinguished research. Congratulations! |
Feb.22 | Our reserach on liquid-liquid interface was published in Perspective and Cover Picture of J. Chem. Phys. |
Feb.4 | Mr. Ito and Sato (M2) got their Master degrees. |
Oct.1 | Mr. Adachi, Ito and Moriuchi (B3) joined our group. |
Jul.8 | Our research on liquid interfaces is highlighted in "Facilitated ion transfer through liquid-liquid interfaces" by Research Outreach. |
Jul.1 | Mr. Hirano (DC2) promoted to be an assitant professor in our lab. Congratuations! |
Apr.2019-Mar.2020 | |
Feb.14 | Ms. Koizumi (DC1) gave a presentation at Science and Life Sciece Joint Sympoisum 2020. |
Feb.4 | Mr. Naito and Mori passed the defence of their master theses. Congratulations! |
Jan.7 | New year party was held at Pizza house. |
Dec.16 | Mr. Naito and Mori (MC2) passed the pre-defence of their master theses. |
Dec.15 | A special topic issue of J. Chem. Phys., Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Interfacial Structure and Dynamics, by Prof. Morita and Alex Benderskii (guest editors) was completed and published. |
Dec.9-11 | Mr. Hirano and Ms. Koizumi (DC1) presented their works at the Annual Meeting of the Molecular Simulation Sciety of Japan at Nagoya. | Nov.5 | Mr. Hirano (DC1) and Naito (MC2) won the prizes of excellent talk and poster, respectively, in the Annual Meeting of Japan Sciety for Molecular Scinece. Congratulations! |
Oct.8 | Welcome party for newcommers was held in downtonw Sendai. |
Oct.2 | New undergradudate members (Imaizumi, Ogawa, Nakamura, Hirata, Murata, Maruoka) joined our group. |
Sep.17-20 | All graduate students in the lab presented their works at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science in Nagoya. |
Sep.9-11 | Our lab organized the summer school of molecular simulation at Akiu, and invited three lecturers, Profs. S. Saito, M. Shiga and H. Tanaka. |
Sep.2-5 | Prof. Morita and B4 students attended the simulation school at Okazaki. |
Aug.27-30 | Ms. Rebecca Altman at U. Oregon came to our lab. |
Aug.22 | Ms. Ichikawa, Mr. Hosoya and Yazawa (BC4) passed the extrance exam. |
Jun.27-28 | A joint trip to Kawatabi hot spring with other physical chemistry laboratories. |
Jun.24 | Many undergraduate students visit us in a lab tour. |
Jun.17 | Mr. Hirano (DC1) is selected to be a Ph.D. student of DIARE (Division of Interdisciplinary Advanced Research and Education). |
Apr.15 | Our joint team with Yamashita lab got the gold medal in the sports festival of the department. |
Apr.8 | A cherry-blossom viewing party was held at Nishi park. |
Apr.2018-Mar.2019 | |
Mar.27 | Grauation ceremony for M2 and B4 students. |
Mar.5 | Final defense of bachelors (Ito, Sato, M. Hirano) and graduation party were held. |
Dec.14 | MC2 students (Koizumi, Tahara, Hirano, Liu) passed the pre-defence of master thesis. |
Nov.28-30 | We attended the Molecular Simulation Conference of Japan at Tukuba. Mr. Hirano will organize the summer school of molecular simulation next year. |
Nov.21 | Prof. Michiel Sprik at Cambridge visted our lab and had a seminar. |
Nov.19 | Prof. Dennis Hore at U. of Victoria came to our lab and stay for a week here. |
Oct.25 | Dr. Lin Wang and Mr. Tomonori Hirano got awards of best presentation and poster, respectively, at Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Molecular Science. Congratulations! |
Oct.16 | Prof. Allen's lecture was held. We had a welcome party for her and new lab members. |
Oct.10 | Prof. Heather Allen at Ohio State U. came to our lab and stay for a month. |
Oct.1 | Ms. Ichikawa, Mr. Hosoya and Yazawa (B3) joined our group. |
Sep.25 | Mr. Lingjian Wang got Ph. D. We had a party for his graduation and for other members to be graduated. |
Sep.12-14 | Ms. Koizumi, Mr. Tahara and Hirano, and Prof. Morita attended the Summer School of Molecular Simulation at Fukui. |
Sep.10-13 | All graduate students and faculty presented their research in the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science at Fukuoka. |
Aug.27-28 | Tohoku University's Chemistry Summer School was held. We invited Mr. Paul Ohno from Northwestern U. Mr. Tomonori Hirano got a poster award. |
Aug. 22 | Mr. Ito and Sato passed the entrance exam of graduate school. |
Aug. 20 | A new textbook on SFG spectroscopy by Prof. Morita ("Theory of Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy") is published from Springer. |
Aug. 8 | Our recent work on the chi3 effect on SFG is featured in Advances in Engineering. |
Aug. 7 | Dr. Satoshi Nihonyanagi (RIKEN) had a department seminar. |
Aug. 6 | Mr. Lingjian Wang (DC3) had his final defense in Ph. D. thesis. |
Jun.29-30 | Kawatagi Seminar for physical chemistry has been held. Mr. Naito and Mori gave presentations there. |
Apr.16 | Annual sports meeting of chemistry department. |
Apr.10-12 | Prof. Michiel Sprik at U. of Cambridge visited our lab. |
Apr.9 | A cherry-blossom viewing party was held at Nishi park. |
Apr.2017-Mar.2018 | |
Mar.1 | Mr. Shida, Takase, Naito, and Mori had their final defense in their undergraduate course and passed! |
Feb.14 | Mr. Jiachen Ge from Fudan University ruturned home. |
Feb.1 | Dr. Tatsuya Joutsuka promoted to an assistant professor at Ibaraki University. |
Jan.10 | Mr. Shinan Zhang from Shanghai Jao Tong University ruturned home. |
Jan.9 | New Year Party of the laboratory was held. |
Nov.29-Dec.1 | Drs. Lin Wang and Joutsuka made oral presentations at 31st Conference of Molecular Simulation Society of Japan at Kanazawa. |
Nov.8-9 | Prof. Suzuki (Kyoto U.) gave special lectures. |
Oct.30 | Prof. Tanaka (Kyushu U.) was invited and visited our lab. |
Oct.17 | Welcome party for new members. |
Oct.14 | Mr. Lingjian Wang (DC3) presented a research talk at DC2 workshop. |
Oct.13 | Profs. Yamaguchi (Saitama U.), Mondal and Jena from India visited our lab, and had a mini symposium on SFG spectroscopy. |
Oct.10-11 | Prof. Morita was invited to "3rd International Workshop on Heterogeneous Kinetics" at Shanghai. |
Oct.4 | Mr. Jiachen Ge from Fudan U. joined as a short-term student. |
Oct.2 | New undergraduate students (H. Ito, Y. Sato, M. Hirano) joined our group. |

Last modified Oct. 28, 2024, by A. Morita