Tohoku Univ.
Lab. of Computational Molecular Science

Computational chemistry of solutions and interfaces based on electronic structure theory and molecular dynamics simulation.

Development of new theoretical avenues for chemistry in combination with experiment and computations.

Recent News in Laboratory
Mar.4 Our lab celebrated the graduation this year.
Mar.3 Uchiyama, Aiba, and Kanegasaki finished the dissertation.
Dec.20-23 Kamimura, Kumagai, and Naka passed the pre-defence of their master theses.
Oct.25 Welcome party for new B3 members was held.
Oct.22 A preface article by Prof. Morita was published in "Chemistry and Chemical Education" (Japanese).
Oct.13-19 Morita and Hirano visited Fudan, NiMTE, and Westlake in China. They met Dr. Lin Wang at NiMTE, an OB of our lab.
Oct.1 New B3 members (Kosuke Abe, Yuma Kuto, Shu Suzuki, Koki Rai) joined our group.
Sep.18-21 Most members made oral or poster presentations at Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Molecular Science in Kyoto.
Sep.17 Our article on water surface was published in "Kagaku" (Japanese).
Jul.17-22 We invited and hosted Ms. SItara Khan Teli at IIT Ropar for the summer school in chemistry at Tohoku University.
Jun.21-22 Kawatabi Seminar for physical chemists was held at Bandai, Fukushima.
May 24 Prof. Morita presented his message at "People" in the homepage of the School of Science.
May 21-23 Mr. Kamimura, Kumagai, and Naka (M2) presented their posters at the Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Theoretical Chemistry at Tsukuba.
Apr.2 Mr. Honkai (M1) joined our group.
Old Diary

Homepage manager: Akihiro Morita
Department of Chemistry
Graduate School of Science
Tohoku University
Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Copyright © Lab. of Computational Molecular Science; All Rights Reserved.